

Newspaper type blog built in bootstrap for Jekyll users


Jekyll Themes Shield


Newspaper type blog built in bootstrap for Jekyll users. I just started working on this so give me some time to add in amazing features. You can install this theme as a gem by using gem install jekyll-newspaper for now it is a repo to hold this template. Eventually I will update the one in the gem install process. If you want to hel out check out the CONTRIBUTING docs and communicate with me over Discord. You will need to sign the Contributors License Agreement before any PRs are accepted.


There are a few different ways to install this theme.

Clone It Locally:

Clone it locally using git clone then work on it on your own. You will need to edit _config.yml and change baseurl and url

baseurl : "/"     # Or whatever your subdirectory is EX: /blog
url     : ""      # Use this for local development, change the values for your live site 

then in your terminal cd into jekyll-newspaper and do bundle exec jekyll serve it should look like

It starts really fast and throws no errors or warnings. I want to keep it that way as it develops. If you run into any Issues please fill out a bug report either on Github Issues or in Discord in the bug-reporting forums.

Include in your Gemfile:

To include this in your site just edit your Gemfile and add gem "jekyll-newspaper" then do bundle install and it will include the gem.

Use it as a template:

Click the green button that says Use This Template and use it to create a new repo named and then when it is ready edit the site and push the changes. It will then be live at


In this repo there is a "Dockerfile" you can run it by typing docker build -t jekyll-newspaper . this will create a Dockerfile named jekyll-newspaper. After it installs you run docker run -p 4000:4000 jekyll-newspaper This will start the Jekyll server inside the Docker container and expose it on port 4000. You can then view your Jekyll theme by navigating to http://localhost:4000 in your web browser.

Issues / Bug Reporting

If you run into any issues you can raise them in Github issues or simply join the hdg-discord server where we build themes and plugins for anyone to use.