

A minimalistic, single column theme for Jekyll


Note: Check out my new theme, accent


Installation is easy. Simply download the theme here and run bundle exec jekyll serve inside the directory.

However, before going live, set the following variables in _config.yml

  1. url : This is the base url of your website. If you are hosting on GitHub, it should be set to for example.
  2. baseurl : This is the subpath of your site. If you are hosting on GitHub, in a repository named Blog, then it should be set to /blog.
  3. tracking_id : Set this to your google analytics tracking id.

Change other variables under User Settings in _config.yml as you see fit.

Note: Don't change any variable under Build Settings.


  • To change the font for the heading, change the $heading-font variable in _sass/_vars.scss

  • To create a new post, simply save the .markdown file in the _posts directory in the format.

  • For Syntax highlighting, Chaplin uses Rouge which is the default highlighter in Jekyll 3 and above. If you don't know how to highlight a code block, refer.

  • To set up Google Analytics tracking id, just set the tracking_id variable in _config.yml. You also need to set google_analytics to true

Comments using Disqus

To add Disqus comments on your blog, get the universal code from the Disqus website, and copy it in _includes/disqus.html.


MIT. Copyright (c) Ankit Sultana

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