

Jekyll plugin to parse/render BibTeX-encoded citations included in posts/pages


This is a plugin for Jekyll and Octopress that is designed to render citations encoded in BibTeX as part of posts and pages.

This plugin is based on Pablo Oliveira's bibjekyll plugin and Sylvester Keil's jekyll-scholar gem, but uses neither.


  • Install the citeproc-ruby and bibtex-ruby gems.

  • Copy citation.rb to your _plugins/ directory (or plugins/ for Octopress)

  • Add the following lines to your _config.yml file for Jekyll:

# BibTex Citation plugin
    citation_style: apa
    citation_locale: en
  • Optionally, you can use other citation styles encoded in the Citation Style Language (CSL). The entire CSL 1.0 Style Repository is available on Github at citation-style-language/styles. For example, if you wanted to use the Chicago Manual of Style "author-date" format, you would save this file locally to _plugins and change your _config.yml to read:
# BibTex Citation plugin
    citation_style: _plugins/chicago-author-date.csl
    citation_locale: en


This plugin parses BibTeX entries that are enclosed in a special Liquid block:

{% bibtex %}
{% endbibtex %}

For example:

layout: post
title: "Test"
date: 2012-02-26 17:27
comments: true

This is an example citation of Brothman's 1991 article.

{% bibtex %}
  title={Orders of value: probing the theoretical terms of Archival Practice},
  author={Brothman, B.},
{% endbibtex %}

As a result you would get the following output (dependent on the templates you use, of course):


<p>This is an example citation of Brothman's 1991 article.</p>

<p>Brothman, B. (1991). Orders of value: probing the theoretical terms of Archival Practice. <i>Archivaria</i>, <i>32</i>(1).</p>


This plugin is released under the MIT License, the same license as Jekyll.