

Hello world of a jekyll remote post hack.

Posting a remote post in 722 Blog

This only works if you are a 722 member.

Ola Galeris!

I've patched some JS into our Jekyll github page to allow us connect our Markdown posts with our community.

If any of you want to publish a blog post in our github page, you just need to do the following:

  • Create a public repo with the markdown of your post;
  • Create a new post file under our github page repo ``` [//]: <> (file name format:

layout: remote_post title: "First remote post" date: 2019-03-25 18:16:41 -0300 author: "Arthur Rocha de Menezes" author_link: "" raw_source: "" repo_source: ""

> If you still don't have access to this repo yet, feel free to bother [@arthurstomp](

*  Make a merge request. And :boom: the post sent for mutual approval!


Peace out!