

A barebones Jekyll plugin to include code snippets from raw Github content


A barebones Jekyll plugin to include code snippets from raw Github content

This is a very barebones plugin to embed a range of lines from your raw Github code into your Jekyll site. Actually, it can probably be any raw file accessible on the Internet.


Drop the include-code.rb into your Jekyll _plugins directory. That's it.


Do something like this in your Markdown files, or wherever you can use Liquid templates:

{% include_code!10!50%}

The above will include the lines 10 to 50 of the file

There are no defaults; you must specify the starting and ending lines. There is no boundary checking: use at your own risk.


This plugin has no error checking, no edge case checking, no configurability.


I wanted a way to include parts of my Github code in my blog posts, and didn't want to use Github Gists. There was no existing plugin I found which could do this, either.

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