

Extract theme-gem contents to source directory

Jekyll Extract

A plugin that adds a new Jekyll command to easily copy files and directories from a theme-gem to your site's source directory.


Add this plugin to your site's Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-extract"

...and run:

$ bundle


jekyll extract command is meant to simplify accessing a Jekyll theme-gem and copying the files you wish to customize, to your site's configured source directory.

Run jekyll extract with a --list-all switch to get an idea about all files bundled in the current theme:

# demo using Minima v2.1.1

$ bundle exec jekyll extract --list-all
         Listing: All files in current theme
                   * assets/main.scss
                   * LICENSE.txt
                   * _includes/disqus_comments.html
                   * _includes/footer.html
                   * _includes/google-analytics.html
                   * _includes/head.html
                   * _includes/header.html
                   * _includes/icon-github.html
                   * _includes/icon-github.svg
                   * _includes/icon-twitter.html
                   * _includes/icon-twitter.svg
                   * _layouts/default.html
                   * _layouts/home.html
                   * _layouts/page.html
                   * _layouts/post.html
                   * _sass/minima/_base.scss
                   * _sass/minima/_layout.scss
                   * _sass/minima/_syntax-highlighting.scss
                   * _sass/minima.scss

To copy an entire directory over to the source directory (henceforth referenced by the phrase "extract to source"), pass the directory-path, relative to the gem, as the argument:

$ bundle exec jekyll extract _layouts

To extract multiple directories simultaneously, pass each directory path as arguments:

$ bundle exec jekyll extract _layouts _sass/minima

will extract contents of both _layouts and _sass/minima to source, creating the directories as required.

Similarly extract certain files like below:

To check what files are bundled in a particular directory, run the command with a --show switch:

$ bundle exec jekyll extract _layouts --show
           Listing: Contents of '_layouts' in theme gem...
                     * _layouts/default.html
                     * _layouts/home.html
                     * _layouts/page.html
                     * _layouts/post.html

Now, to extract just a couple of layouts from the list, run:

$ bundle exec jekyll extract _layouts/default.html _layouts/page.html

The above command will extract these two files to your site's source directory.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.