

Open Source Workshop Blog running Jekyll Bootstrap

Jekyll-Bootstrap (Workshop)

The quickest way to start and publish your Jekyll powered blog. 100% NOT compatible with GitHub pages!


For all usage and documentation for Jekyll-Bootstrap, please see: http://jekyllbootstrap.com

Avatar Workshop Setup

  1. clone the project avatarnewyork.github.com on gil under dev/workshop
  2. setup a vhost in the workshop.conf apache file and point the document root to: project folder/_site
  3. run an apache configtest to ensure no errors
  4. gracefully restart apache

Avatar Workshop Workflow - Use Rake

  1. ensure you are working under the master branch
  2. goto your project directory
  3. at the command prompt type: rake post title="TITLE_OF_YOUR_POST". This will setup the meta info and filename for your post located under _posts.
  4. Open your post file: _posts/YYYY-mm-dd-title.md (markdown file)
  5. Edit your meta information (called Front Matter in yaml) and article content. Meta information is as follows:
layout: post
author: YOUR_NAME
category: [Project || Post]
  - featured
  - development
image: /assets/media/SOME_IMAGE_FILE.png
published: true

Here is the breakdown:

  • layout: post (always)
  • title: title of your post
  • author: your first name
  • description: brief description of article - used as META-DESCRIPTION tag so it's now important!
  • category: Can be either Project or Post (case sensitive)
  • tags: in yaml format - if this project should be featured, add featured to the tag
  • image: Image to be used in structured data so this is now important! Please use .png files. Maybe used in future to display on homepage.
  • published: should be true
  1. Edit your content
  2. Be sure to include {% excerpt %} and {% endexcerpt %} tags around the content you want to show up as an excerp on the homepage.
  3. To test your post, goto your project dir and run: jekyll build. This will rebuild the site and store under _site
  4. Test your post by going to the URL
  5. When ready to publish, commit and push to the master branch. Your post will appear in a few minutes.

Avatar Workshop Workflow - Use http://prose.io

  1. Login to http://prose.io
  2. Goto the avatarnewyork account
  3. Click on avatarnewyork.github.com
  4. Click on the NEW FILE BUTTON
  5. Click on the Meta-Data button on the right and edit appropriately (see above)
  6. Click back on the Edit button and edit content appropriately
  7. Be sure to include {% excerpt %} and {% endexcerpt %} tags around the content you want to show up as an excerp on the homepage.
  8. When done, press Save and enter commit message. Your post should appear in a few minutes

Required Gems

gem 'syntax', '1.0.0'
gem 'liquid'
gem 'jekyll'
gem 'redcarpet'
gem 's3_website', '1.4.3'
gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'json'
gem 'domainatrix'


0.3.0 - stable and versioned using semantic versioning.

NOTE: 0.3.0 introduces a new theme which is not backwards compatible in the sense it won't look like the old version. However, the actual API has not changed at all. You might want to run 0.3.0 in a branch to make sure you are ok with the theme design changes.


This repository tracks 2 projects:

  • Jekyll-Bootstrap Framework.
    The framework for which users should clone and build their blog on top of is available in the master branch.

    To contribute to the framework please make sure to checkout your branch based on jb-development!! This is very important as it allows me to accept your pull request without having to publish a public version release.

    Small, atomic Features, bugs, etc.
    Use the jb-development branch but note it will likely change fast as pull requests are accepted.
    Please rebase as often as possible when working.
    Work on small, atomic features/bugs to avoid upstream commits affecting/breaking your development work.

    For Big Features or major API extensions/edits:
    This is the one case where I'll accept pull-requests based off the master branch. This allows you to work in isolation but it means I'll have to manually merge your work into the next public release. Translation : it might take a bit longer so please be patient! (but sincerely thank you).

  • Jekyll-Bootstrap Documentation Website.
    The documentation website at http://jekyllbootstrap.com is maintained in the gh-pages branch. Please fork and contribute documentation additions to this branch only.

The master and gh-pages branch do not share the same ancestry. Please treat them as completely separate git repositories!
