

Shell script for building a local Jekyll site and deploying to GitHub

This is a simple shell script for building a Jekyll site and deploying it to GitHub. If you prefer to build your site locally and push up the resulting files, this makes that possible with a single command.


  • I'm assuming you're using Git and Jekyll. If not, then you're in the wrong place. This script will not install those things for you.
  • You need to have a repository on GitHub for these Pages.
  • Your Git remote has to be set. git push origin master needs a place to go.

To use it

  • Keep your Jekyll source files in a branch called source.
  • Have Jekyll send your resulting files to the _site folder. This is the default, so just don't mess with it.
  • Commit changes to your source files. Currently, this script requires that your working directory is clean when it runs.
  • Run this script from the source directory.

Using the config file

  • Put a file in your Pages repository called config.

  • In that file, you can set the source branch and the destination branch for the Jekyll build.

  • Format the config file like this:

    SOURCE: source-branch-name
    SITE: destination-branch-name

  • The SOURCE: and SITE: part have to be there, you can change the names of the branches all you want.

  • If you choose not to use a config file, the defaults will be source and master.

  • If you DO have a config file, both lines must be there and must be filled in with branch names.

What it does

  • Summons jekyll tmp_dir to build the site files to a temporary folder;
  • Moves the contents of tmp_dir to the destination branch;
  • Commits those changes in the destination branch;
  • Pushes the source and destination branches to GitHub.


So so much.

  • I want to add in more error handling.
  • Move locations of some of the files. I actually use the ~/bin/blogdeploy/ path in there, which is dumb.
  • Create an installation script. There are currently three .sh files that this uses. It would be cool to have a script/bootstrap command that would load all this stuff up in the right places so you don't have to worry about that crap.
  • Right now, I suppress all output, but I'd like to generate some useful feedback. Just a ton of things.

Contributions are welcome!

  • Just send me a Pull Request.
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