

Yes We Jekyll. Or if we don't yet, we will after reading this guide. Read on.

Yes We Jekyll

Jekyll is a static website generator developed in Ruby. It has gained popularity especially since GitHub Pages provided native support for it. This does not mean you cannot use it without it, though. The main advantage of this is the ease of hosting.

As you probably well know even Mr. Obama used Jekyll during his campaign. In this guide I will show you how to develop your site or blog using Jekyll. Chant with me "Yes we Jekyll!". There we go.

It is a good idea to go and install Jekyll now unless you already have and get back right after that. Or you just might want to read on. Whatever suits your mojo.

The guide has actually been structured as a Jekyll site so feel free to explore the source. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, let me know at the issue tracker. Also pull requests are appreciated.


The source code of the project is available under MIT license. In effect this means you will have to retain attribution. Given that it is entirely possible to use source in a commercial and/or closed setting.

The content of the site (ie. text) is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported or CC BY-NC 3.0 if you want to keep it nice and short. This means I will reserve rights to use the material commercially. You may use it on a non-commercial setting if you provide an attribution. Contact me for commercial usage.

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