Jekyll RESTful API Generator
Given a CSV file (or a series of YAML files), generates a RESTful API. Sorta. Uses XML and JSON Jekyll templates to generate machine-readable files from the YAML headers of any file in the directory project. Any key value pair will be converted.
Usage for CSV files
- Place CSV file in /raw/
- Edit _config.yml as appropriate
- Run /php/config.php
- Push to GitHub or run Jekyll locally
Usage for YAML files
- Place YML files in either the root directory, or any number of sub directories.
- Place key/value pairs in the YML header
- Push to GitHub or run Jekyll locally
This project constitutes a functional proof-of-concept. The script that converts CSV files to YAML files is written in PHP, which is probably not the best choice in the long run.
- Generate XML and JSON indexes of all records
- Multi-dimensional arrays within YAML headers
Example Data
GPLv3 or Later