

Given a CSV file (or a series of YAML files), generates a RESTful API using Jekyll

Jekyll RESTful API Generator

Given a CSV file (or a series of YAML files), generates a RESTful API. Sorta. Uses XML and JSON Jekyll templates to generate machine-readable files from the YAML headers of any file in the directory project. Any key value pair will be converted.

Usage for CSV files

  1. Place CSV file in /raw/
  2. Edit _config.yml as appropriate
  3. Run /php/config.php
  4. Push to GitHub or run Jekyll locally

Usage for YAML files

  1. Place YML files in either the root directory, or any number of sub directories.
  2. Place key/value pairs in the YML header
  3. Push to GitHub or run Jekyll locally


This project constitutes a functional proof-of-concept. The script that converts CSV files to YAML files is written in PHP, which is probably not the best choice in the long run.


  • Generate XML and JSON indexes of all records
  • Multi-dimensional arrays within YAML headers

Example Data


GPLv3 or Later

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