

frontend project boilerplates that uses jekyll or angularjs

boilerplate: angularjs

A project boilerplate for prototyping web apps using Jekyll and Bootstrap 3.

This boilerplate uses:

  • jQuery 2.0.3
  • Bootstrap 3.1.1
  • Font-Awesome 4.0.3

Table of Contents

  1. Usage: how to use this boilerplate
  2. Directory Structure
  3. Grunt Tasks


  1. Install Node packages:
    $ npm install
  2. Install Bower packages:
    $ bower install

Directory Structure

boilerplate: angularjs   # root directory
├── application
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── css
│   │   ├── fonts
|   │   ├── img
|   |   └── js
|   |        ├── app
|   |        └── lib
|   ├── .htaccess
|   └── index.html
├── source
├── _config.yml
├── bower.json
├── Gruntfile.js
├── package.json



source directory is where we place precompiled assets e.g., less, scss, image files or in other words the 'raw-sources' we then specify and use Gruntfile to everything that is in here for to their respective destinations in build the application directory for staging or production use.

Bootstrap Less:

Bootstrap less css are placed in source/less/bootstrap and an bootstrap main less file is created in source/less/bootstrap.less that imports all bootstrap components from the bootstrap directory, if you don't intend to migrate to newer versions or pull massive updates from github then you may edit the less files in there but if you'd like to stay up to date, just create a new directory with all your overrides and then import them to your main less file.

Font-Awesome Less:

Don't forget to edit source/less/font-awesome/variables.less font path and point it to /assets/fonts/font-awesome otherwise fonts will not show up.

Grunt Tasks

These are the default tasks that Gruntfile executes, you may add necessary tasks to build your application. You may run $ grunt to perform default tasks.


it copies all packages downloaded inside bower_components which are also listed in bower.json you may add additional package anytime just make sure

$ grunt updatepkg


compiles the default Less stylesheet and outputs it to application/assets/css with a full and minified version.


you may run this while working on your less stylesheets, it watches source/less/ directory for file changes and automatically executes the less task that compiles less stylesheets to css, outputs go to application/assets/css.

$ grunt watchless # or 
$ grunt buildless


optimises image files *.{gif,jpg,png} and compresses these up to 20% less of the the original file size.

$ grunt buildimg


watch folders changes and automatically jshint to lint the .js filez you're currently working on just run

$ grunt watchjs #or 
$ grunt lint