

My portfolio, built with Jekyll and hosted on Github Pages

My Portfolio

My portfolio project. Built on Jekyll.

Running this project locally

It uses Bundler and Jekyll. To install:

# Ensure bundle is installed
gem install bundler

# Install the gems
bundle install

Run with:

bundle exec jekyll serve

or run with NPM

npm run start

Structure & Content

There are two folders containing content:

  • src/_posts: content for "Work". Follows basic Jekyll Posts
  • src/_now: content for "Now". Custom collection similar to Jekyll Posts

Work/Post Content

All posts are written in Markdown and should be under 600 characters because of scroll-snapping on mobile devices. Work front matter includes:

Front Matter Name Expected Content
published_url An external URL to see the work.
publisher Name of where the content is published. Used in "Work published on #{publisher}".
jump_line Full text for the jump line. Allows customized actions, like "read", "check out", "watch", etc.
categories Basic Jekyll categories. Used to categorize types of work.
tags Basic Jekyll tags. Used to tag technologies worked with.
--bg-color CSS Custom Property that sets the post background color
--font-base CSS Custom Property that sets the post content color
--font-light CSS Custom Property that sets the byline color of the post
--font-primary CSS Custom Property that sets the title color of the post

Now Content

Nows are snapshots in time to briefly talk about what happened then. Kinda micro-blogging. It doesn't take any front matter variables, but file names must be named like Jekyll posts: YYYY-MM-DD-now.md. Note -now at the end of the file name is required to automatically sort content by latest.