

Port of Lanyon Jekyll Theme to WordPress


LanyonWP is a WordPress theme that is a port of Lanyon, a Jekyll theme that places content first by tucking away navigation in a hidden drawer. It's based on Poole, the Jekyll butler.



Lanyon includes some customizable options, typically applied via classes on the <body> element.


LanyonWP ships with eight optional themes based on the base16 color scheme. Apply a theme to change the color scheme (mostly applies to sidebar and links).

There are eight themes available at this time.

To use a theme, add any one of the available theme classes to the <body> element in the default.html layout, like so:

<body class="theme-base-08">

Reverse layout

Reverse the page orientation with a single class.

<body class="layout-reverse">

Make the sidebar overlap the viewport content with a single class:

<body class="sidebar-overlay">

This will keep the content stationary and slide in the sidebar over the side content. It also adds a box-shadow based outline to the toggle for contrast against backgrounds, as well as a box-shadow on the sidebar for depth.

It's also available for a reversed layout when you add both classes:

<body class="layout-reverse sidebar-overlay">

Lanyon Author

Mark Otto

LanyonWP Author

Drew Poland


Open sourced under the GPL2 License.
