

A collection of Jekyll landing pages & a Sinatra app for form submissions. Named after an air force base with a big landing strip in the 805.


A collection of Jekyll landing pages & a Sinatra app for form submissions.


Landing pages are crucial for:

  • Advertising campaigns
  • Validating new product ideas
  • Pre-launch email capture
  • Mobile apps that don't need a complete website

But when you need a lot of landing pages, a 3rd party service can get pricey and cumbersome. Why not just create some nice landing page templates that can be easily edited and duplicated? Well, that's what I've started doing (emphasis on started).

So, not only will you get nice landing pages for free, but since they're built with Jekyll, they're static HTML. That means they're really fast and easy to host.


Landing pages often need form support for lead generation and mailing list signup. Vandenberg includes a simple Sinatra app that accepts form submissions and saves them in a SQLite database.

Sites Using Vandenberg

On Deck for iOS

This is a Work in Progress

Vandenberg is a work in progress. Use with caution. If you'd like to see a certain type of landing page, please submit an issue and I'll work on it.

What's with the name?

Named after an air force base with a big landing strip in the 805. Also where I did my internship during college.