
How to create a Jekyll theme on macOS in a few steps:

1. Install xcode

xcode-select —-install

2. Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

3. Install Ruby

brew install ruby

4. Install the newst version of jekyll

sudo gem install bundler jekyll

5. Create a new jekyll page

jekyll new project_name 

6. Change directory and open the project

cd directory/project_name  

7. Open the project on localhost

bundle exec jekyll serve 

8. Type the server address to your browser to see the project

9. Edit or create your yaml files on _data and call them on index.markdown

10. Take GitHub to the command line

11. Add your project on github

  • full documendation
    git init -b main
    git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"
    gh repo create --source=. --public --push