

Jekyll site for showcasing the projects and people that make up Census Open Innovation Labs

The Census Open Innovation Labs Website

This repo includes code for the COIL website.

It is built with Jekyll using the uswds-jekyll theme


  1. Ruby v2.2.2+, Installation guides
  2. Node v4.2.3+, Installation guides
  3. Bundler v1.12.3+, Installation guides a. jekyll (gem install jekyll)
  4. Chrome v59 or higher (v60 if on Windows)

Getting Started

To work on the site, switch to your local copy of the repository in terminal then run the following command to install project dependencies:

npm install
bundle install

Now that all of your dependencies are installed, you can run your local server by running the following command:

npm start

Go to in your browser — you should be viewing a local instance

  • npm run watch: Runs a series of commands that watches for any changes in both USWDS node module and the root level asset folders in this repo.

  • npm start -- --incremental or npm run serve: Runs your local server with incremental regeneration enabled to greatly improve build time. Use instead of npm start.

Importing Data

We use Airtable as our single source of truth for data files, and /script/ will pull the latest data into the project.

This script does have a dependency of python3 and airtable-export

After installing those dependencies, set up a .env file with AIRTABLE_TOP_ID and AIRTABLE_API_KEY set for this script to work. Otherwise, you can simply run the airtable-export command manually, and it will work as well.

Once your airtable-export and your .env file are set up, npm run airtable will pull the latest data from airtable and insert into the _data folder for use locally.


HTML Validation

run npm run html-proofer to validate the site's HTML, check broken links, missing images & alts, etc with HTMLProofer.

run npm run html-proofer:skip-external to save time by skipping validating external links

Building with Federalist

This repository is hooked up to Federalist, an automatic build process used by many government websites. Whenever you push changes to Github, Federalist will make a new build (using the federalist command in package.json).

Federalist will then provide a URL for this build which you can use for user testing. To get the URL for the build, click on the green check-mark next to the build status for whatever branch you just pushed to, and then click the "Details" link.

When you merge a branch into main, Federalist will then make a new build with the same process and deploy it to

When a build fails

If Federalist fails to build, the status dot on the branch in Github will change from yellow (in progress) to red (failed). If this happens, contact Logan Powell via Slack in the Census Bureau workspace to see the logs from the failed build. He has access to Federalist itself. We do not.