

This site is using jekyll and Bootstrap with Sass


Jekyll Blog Site with Bootstrap 4 and Sass

This site is using jekyll and Bootstrap with Sass.

Bootstrap is installed from the source files and the scss directory copied to _sass/css/bootstrap of the site.

BootstrapCDN is also used to deliver cached version of Bootstrap’s compiled CSS and JS with CDN versions of jQuery and Popper.js.

What has been implemented

  • Cutomized Sass and Sass variables
  • Navigation
  • Pagination
  • custom 404 page
  • Use of layouts and include files
  • Combination of Markdown, HTML, and Liquid syntax
  • Use of solarized-dark to prettify code sections of markdown files
  • Use of clipboard.js to copy text to clipboard

Testing locally

To test the site locally:

From the root of project run the commands:

  1. make build
  2. make serve

The site is using a Gemfile, so command like jekyll serve with bundle exec prefixed is appropriate:

  • bundle exec jekyll build
  • bundle exec jekyll serve



  2. jekyllrb

  3. clipboardjs