

QUICKLY Synchronise a folder to Amazon S3. Mainly intended for uploading your Jekyll site.


Synchronise a folder to Amazon S3. Mainly intended for uploading your Jekyll site. Will only upload files that have changed in size or md5 hash.

I created this because ruby's jekyll-s3 is very slow and was recently forked, and the forked version has issues of its own.

This app will upload 4 files at a time, and is lightning quick in my tests. 223 changed files took less than a minute, whereas jekyll-s3 took forever (sometimes 15 mins).


To use the app, you need a file called S3Sync.config.json in your home folder, or _S3Sync.config.json in the current folder (current folder gets priority), with the following contents:

    "AccessKeyID": "ABC123",
    "Secret": "BLAHBLAH",
    "Bucket": "www.myamazons3bucket.com.au",
    "Region": "s3.amazonaws.com",
    "LocalFolder": "~/My/Jekyll/_site"

LocalFolder can also be a relative link such as ./_site

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