

MaterialDocs is a material two-column Jekyll theme designed for documentation websites.


View this theme on ThemeJekyll

MaterialDocs is a material two-column Jekyll theme designed for documentation websites. It is built with Material Design Lite.

Standard Installation

Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-materialdocs"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-materialdocs

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-materialdocs

Using with GitHub Pages

MaterialDocs is compatible with Jekyll Remote Theme.

Add the following to _config.yml to enable Jekyll Remote Theme.

  - jekyll-remote-theme

Add the following to _config.yml to use MaterialDocs.

remote_theme: chromatical/jekyll-materialdocs

Site Options

logo: /path/to/logo.png # an absolute or relative image path to use as the site logo
mdl_colors: indigo-pink # a supported Material Design Lite color scheme
copyright: Your Name # will override the copyright notice (default is site title)
search: true # enabled by default, set to false to disable site search
menu_style: dropdown # will only show child menu items for the main item selected

MaterialDocs supports changing the color scheme by setting mdl_colors in _config.yml to a supported Material Design Lite scheme (e.g. indigo-pink, deep_orange-blue). Use the MDL theme builder to find color schemes.

Front Matter Options

MaterialDocs supports a few optional custom values in the YAML front matter.

menu: Example Page # will use this as the menu item text instead of title, set to false to remove from menu
tab: true # will open this page in a new tab
parent: # will make this menu item a child of the item
weight: 2 # smaller weights rise to the top of the menu
mdl_colors: deep_orange-blue # override global color scheme for this page
search: false # hides this page from search results

MaterialDocs supports data-driven menus in _data/nav.yml. This can be used to add custom or external links to the menu. Data-driven menu items support all menu-related YAML front matter options. Additionally, data-driven menu items support the id option, which can be referenced in parent. An example nav.yml is shown here.

- title: "External Menu Item"
  url: ""
  tab: true # opens this link in a new tab
  id: example # will be used as a parent item

- title: "Child Menu Item"
  url: ""
  parent: example # will make this item a child of the item above (not displayed when menu_style is set to 'dropdown')

- title: "Another Child Menu Item"
  url: ""
  parent: # will make this item a child of the item


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.