

Jekyll-based website for the Alliance of Civic Technologists

The website of the Alliance of Civic Technologists:

Contributing to the website

This website is built with Jekyll, which is a Ruby static site builder.

  • New blog posts can be created by copying an existing post in _posts/ and editing the filename and metadata at the top of the file.
  • Existing pages can be edited, in HTML and/or markdown. If you want to embed markdown within HTML tags put your content between<div markdown="1"> and </div>.

Developing the website

This site is set up as a standard Ruby project with Bundler. To get started:

  1. Use a Ruby version manager, like rbenv, rvm, or chruby.
    1. On a Mac, this can be installed with homebrew: brew install rbenv.
    2. Then install the Ruby version specified in .ruby-version: rbenv install $(cat .ruby-version)
  2. Run bundler to install dependencies: bundle install
  3. Start the jekyll webserver: bundle exec jekyll serve