

Bare bones Jekyll template and install instructions.


Bare bones Jekyll template and install instructions. View a preview

##Setup & Install*

*Assumes you have git and rubygems working properly.

  1. Open terminal
  2. Update Ruby Gems: sudo gem update --system - requires system password
  3. Install Jekyll: sudo gem install jekyll - takes a little bit
  4. Make sure Jekyll is running properly: jekyll -v - currently version 1.4.2
  5. Navigate to your working directory: cd Documents/my/working/directory
  6. Clone this repository: git clone and navigate into the directory cd jekyll-starter-template
  7. Run jekyll server --watch - builds your source and watches for file changes
  8. Your site should be running freely at localhost:4000

##Config Includes


{% highlight javascript linenos %}
var waka = Infinity,
    flaka = waka;

function whoDat(flaka) {
    // do that wakaflaka
{% endhighlight %}
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