

A Jekyll Tag plugin created for simplifying the implementation of responsive images.

Jekyll Responsive Images Wrapper

Jekyll Responsive Images Wrapper is a Jekyll Tag plugin created for simplifying the implementation of responsive images in a Jekyll site.

This plugin was created because I didn't like writing or maintaining the HTML markup in my code. This means that this plugin doesn't create new resized images based on given settings, but creates the markup with a few simple attributes without having to maintain all the HTML code.


You can copy the jekyll-responsive-images-wrapper.rb in the _plugins directory.

Notice: This plugin cannot be used with Github Pages due to security reasons.


Open your _config.yml file to add the required configuration settings for this plugin. The required keys are the main responsive-images-wrapper and instances.

Settings example with all possible keys

      - width: "100w"
      - width: "500w"
        hash: "_md"
      - width: "2x"
        hash: "_lg"
      - width: "500w"
        hash: "_gal_1"
      - width: "2x"
        hash: "_gal_2"
  sizes: "(min-width: 33em) 33em, 100vw"
  lazy_load: true
  lazy_class: "lazy"

instances [Required]

Here you can add your image 'groups' with their settings. You may use as many groups as you want but you need to have at least one group called default. The width key is required and is the viewport width. The hash key, is the string that will be appended in the image name just before the file extention, and it's optional. If skipped the width will be added instead. More on this in Usage section.

sizes [Optional]

It's the sizes attribute for your images.

lazy_load [Optional]

If you decide to use the third party lazysizes.js library set this to true and srcset tag will become data-srcset.

lazy_class [Optional]

Use this in case you want to add a class for the lazysizes.js library in your images.


Using this plugin is very simple. All you have to do is add this tag with the name attribute.

{% responsive_image name: /public/dynamic_menu.jpg %}

This creates the following html markup. As you can see we skipped the hash key and the width key was appended.

<img src="/public/my_image.jpg"
          data-srcset="/public/my_image_100w.jpg 100w"
          sizes="(min-width: 33em) 33em, 100vw"
          class="lazy" alt="" title="" >

Another example with more attributes

{% responsive_image name: /public/my_image.jpg alt: "this is an alt tag" title: "This is a title for the image" group: gallery %}
<img src="/public/my_image.jpg"
          data-srcset="/public/my_image_gal_1.jpg 500w, /public/my_image_gal_2.jpg 2x"
          sizes="(min-width: 33em) 33em, 100vw"
          class="lazy" alt="this is an alt tag" title="This is a title for the image">

Available attributes

Attribute Description
name Required The image name with its path
group Optional If skipped uses the default group as defined in the _config.yml file
class Optional Adds a class attribute to the image
title Optional Adds a title attribute to the image

Additional Libraries

  • Picturefill.js Is the library to use, if you wish for full browser support.

  • lazysizes.js A javascript library to add lazy load functionality to your images. There is an option in the configuration to alter the srcset attribute to data-srcset to support this library.

Additional Read


  • Create a gem for this plugin