

Gulpfile for jekyll/poole

This repository contains a gulpfile to be used with Poole, "The Jekyll Butler". Poole provides a basic template of a Jekyll install with all necessary files.

The gulpfile has several tasks:

gulp stylus will compile all .styl files in the public/css directory using three plugins:

  • jeet: provides a layout/grid system for stylus
  • rupture: provides easy media queries and breakpoints
  • autoprefixer: autoprefixes stylus

gulp build runs jekyll build.

gulp serve runs liveserver from the _site directory on port 4000. Liveserver provides automatic browser-reload capability.

gulp watch starts two watch processes. One watch process watches all stylus files in public/css/ and runs the build task. The other watches all .html and .md files, and runs the build task.

gulp runs stylus, build, serve, and watch.