Jekyll/Foundation 6 site for

Jekyll Foundation

Quickstart your Jekyll (v3) project with Zurb Foundation for Sites (v6, sass).

Build process: Gulp
Asset management: Bower and Composer
Deployment: Make and rsync.

System Preparation

To use this starter project, you'll need the following things installed on your machine.


Ruby and Ruby Gems
Jekyll - gem install jekyll
Bundler - gem install bundler (mac users may need sudo)

NodeJS - use the installer.
GulpJS - npm install -g gulp (mac users may need sudo)
Bower - npm install -g bower


Composer (installs PHPMailer)
Make (used with rsync for deploying)

Local Installation

Git clone this repository, or download it into a directory of your choice. Inside the directory run

  1. bower install (reference: .bowerrc and bower.json)
  2. npm install (reference: package.json)
  3. bundle install (reference: Gemfile and Gemfile.lock)
  4. composer install (optional, reference: composer.json and composer.lock)



npm start
This will build your Jekyll site, give you file watching, browser synchronization, auto-rebuild, CSS injecting, Sass sourcemaps etc.

npm run build
This builds your site for production, with minified CSS and JavaScript. Run this before you deploy your site!
Here you can access your site. If you want to access it with your phone or tablet, use the external access address which is showing up in the terminal window.
Access the Browsersync UI.

Foundation for Sites Components

We don't want to include unused CSS or JavaScript.

Uncomment the components you want to use
1. Sass in /assets/scss/foundation/_foundation.scss  
2. JavaScript in the gulpfile.js in PATHS (you need to restart gulp)

Customize the variables used by Foundation in the settings file located in /assets/scss/foundation/.

Place your custom sass in the subfolders of /assets/scss/. These folders follow the SMACSS architecture. This should be the most scalable solution - from small to very large sites.

Deploy your site

Rsync is used here to sync our local _site with the remote host. Adjust the SSH-USER, SSH-HOST and REMOTE-PATH in the Makefile.

Be careful with these settings since rsync is set to delete the files on the remote path!

Deploy with make deploy.


compress.html layout

Inline JavaScript can become broken where // comments used. Please remove the comments or change to /**/ style.
compress.html Docs