

MyBrainOnAnatomy using Jekyll as a site generator, Siteleaf as a CMS, and Netlify as a host.

Jekyll Boilerplate

A boilerplate for launching static websites generated by Jekyll. Built with using Siteleaf as a CMS and Netlify as a host in mind.

Gulp commands

gulp clean: Cleans all assets directories (assets and _site/assets)

gulp build: Optimizes assets and then uses Jekyll to generate static website

gulp serve: Generates the static website and uses BrowserSync to watch for changes, run the appopriate Gulp tasks, and inject the changes

gulp: Defaults to gulp serve

Be sure to npm install before you start!

npm and Bower support

To use a sass-related npm/bower package, look for the Gulp task named build:styles and add the path of the vendor's scss file(s) to the includePaths option of the $.sass pipe.

To use a js-related npm/bower package, look for the Gulp task named build:scripts and add the path of the vendor's js file(s) to the gulp.src array.