
WARNING: This project is archived and no longer update

Lightweight Jekyll theme for personal blog

  • Simple and minimal design
  • Full Responsive
  • Built with Bootstrap 4 and jQuery
  • Optional with Github Profile

How to Setup

Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site

  1. Install Bundler gem install bundler and then install Jekyll and all dependencies bundle install.
  2. Fork the 0x4 repo.
  3. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it.
  4. Edit _config.yml to personalize your site.
  5. Check out the sample posts in _posts to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.

Setup for an Existing Jekyll site

  1. Clone the following folders: _includes, _layouts, _sass, and assets.
  2. Clone the following folders/files and personalize content as need: about/, posts/ and index.html.
  3. Edit _config.yml to personalize your site.



The following files are part of the _layouts directory.

  • default.html, page.html, post.html — standard layout files exactly as in Minima.
  • home.html — a home page layout, which supports Jekyll's pagination. This can be enabled by setting paginate in _config.yml.
  • articles.html — this is a layout which displays a full list of posts by year.


The following files are part of the _includes directory.

  • head-includes.html — an empty text file where the user may add additional lines that will be inserted into <head>. If you want to customize Minima Reboot and need to include additional style sheets, add them here.


The following files are part of the _sass directory.

  • styles.scss — loads the required style sheets.
  • _components.scss and _layout.scss — contains a few layout tweaks on top of Bootstrap's style.


Contains the main.scss file which loads the style files by importing styles.scss.


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