

Jekyll plugin to pull down your Airtable tables as datafiles (JSON) through Jekyll Commands

Jekyll Airtable Data

Jekyll plugin to pull down your Airtable tables as datafiles (JSON) through Jekyll Commands.


Add plugin to your Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-airtable_data'

Add Airtable settings to your _config.yml file:

  api_key: [Your Airtable API Key] # Airtable API key available in the API documentation for your base
  app_id: [Your Airtable App ID] # Airtable app ID found in the API documentation for your base
    - [Your Airtable Table Name 1]
    - [Your Airtable Table Name 2]
    - [Your Airtable Table Name 3]

Run Airtable Data

Execute via Jekyll Command as needed (and works great with Netlify's Build command):

$ bundle exec jekyll airtable_data
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