

Straightforward grunt.js Jekyll plugin.


Compile Jekyll sites with Grunt.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0 and Jekyll >= v1.0.0.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide which explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process you may install this plugin with the command:

npm install grunt-jekyll --save-dev

After the plugin has been installed, load it in your Gruntfile with:


Jekyll Task

Run this task with the grunt jekyll command.

This task helps you compile your Jekyll static site with Grunt.

Jekyll Subcommands

  • serve

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Build the site and start a Jekyll development server on http://localhost:4000. The server lasts forever: kill it with Ctrl + C.

    If serve is false, the site is built with the build command.

    For complex projects you may want to use grunt-contrib-connect or grunt-browser-sync instead.

  • doctor

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Test your site for common errors and deprecated code. Ignores all other options except src, config, and bundleExec.


You can use all of the configuration options available in the Jekyll Documentation, as well as some special options provided by this plugin.

  • src

    Type: string Default: .

    Directory where Jekyll will read files.

  • dest

    Type: string Default: ./_site

    Directory where Jekyll will write files.

  • [no_]watch

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Regenerate the site when files are modified. If you are running multiple watch tasks in a project you should use grunt-contrib-watch instead.

  • config

    Type: string Default: _config.yml

    Specify a custom configuration file. Multiple files separated by a comma will cascade right to left.

  • raw

    Type: string

    Create a temporary _config.yml with the contents of raw. This config file has greater precedence than the files in config.

  • safe

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Disables custom plugins, and ignore symbolic links.

  • plugins

    Type: string Default: ./_plugins

    Specify a plugins directory.

  • layouts

    Type: string Default: ./_layouts

    Specify a layouts directory.

  • drafts

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Process and render draft posts.

  • future

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Publishes posts with a future date.

  • lsi

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Produce an index for related posts.

  • limit_posts

    Type: number

    Limit the number of posts to parse and publish.

  • force_polling

    Type: boolean

    Force watch to use polling.

  • verbose

    Type: boolean

    Print verbose output.

  • quiet

    Type: boolean

    Silence the normal output from Jekyll during a build.

  • incremental

    Type: boolean

    Enable the experimental incremental build feature. Incremental build only re-builds posts and pages that have changed, resulting in significant performance improvements for large sites, but may also break site generation in certain cases.

  • livereload

    Type: boolean

    LiveReload refreshes your browser after a change.

  • port

    Type: string or number

    Listen on the given port (requires serve).

  • host

    Type: string

    Listen at the given hostname (requires serve).

  • baseurl

    Type: string

    Serve the website from the given base URL (requires serve).

  • skip_initial_build

    Type: boolean

    Skips the initial site build which occurs before the server is started.

  • open_url

    Type: boolean

    Opens the local URL in your default browser.

  • bundleExec

    Type: boolean Default: false

    Run jekyll with bundle exec.

Usage examples

Follow this Grunt example to get started with grunt-jekyll right away.

Example config

  jekyll: {                             // Task
    options: {                          // Universal options
      bundleExec: true,
      src : '<%= app %>'
    dist: {                             // Target
      options: {                        // Target options
        dest: '<%= dist %>',
        config: '_config.yml,'
    serve: {                            // Another target
      options: {
        serve: true,
        dest: '.jekyll',
        drafts: true,
        future: true


grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'jekyll']);

Example usage

Use the raw option

  jekyll: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        config: '_config.yml',
        // Construct a string with JavaScript.
        // Remember, in YAML line breaks and indentation matter.
        raw: 'pygments: false\n' +
             'exclude: [\'development\']\n' +
             'author:\n' +
             '  name: ' + fetchAuthor() + '\n' +
             '  email: ' + fetchEmail()


  • See for further updates
  • v0.4.3: More options support for Jekyll 3.0.0
  • v0.4.2: More internal optimizations.
  • v0.4.1: Internal optimizations.
  • v0.4.0: Added setup for tests.
  • v0.3.9: Consolidating branches and bumping version number.
  • v0.3.8: Added @robwierzbowski's raw option and other PRs.
  • v0.3.6:
    • Reviewed Jekyll's source and updated plugin with new flags.
    • Reviewed and warned about deprecated flags.
    • Updated documentation to match flag updates. (Rewritten as a list)
  • v0.3.3: Updated link in documentation. Added to-do list.
  • v0.3.2: Added option to select config file. Removed deprecated --pygments option flag. Bugfixes.
  • v0.3.0: Update for Jekyll 1.0
  • v0.2.1: Fixed destination path option.
  • v0.2.0: Updated README with better options. Options are more flexible.
  • v0.1.6: Updated README with better example.
  • v0.1.0: Initial Release.
