

🗒️ Jekyll template I use to store my private university notes written in HTML format.


My Jekyll template I use to store my private university notes written in HTML format.


  1. Using Jekyll to store and display your school/university HTML notebook
  2. Automatically organizing your notes by semester and subject type (for example, lecture or lab)
  3. Built-in libraries for displaying math, source codes and image galleries

How to run?

Easiest way to run note-organizer is to use Docker. Just clone this repo and run docker-compose up -d. After a couple of seconds, note-organizer should be accesible in your browser by typing localhost:4005 in browser's URL bar. Of course you can also install Jekyll directly on your computer and run jekyll serve if you prefer.

How to use?

You need to be at least familiar with Jekyll and basic HTML syntax to use note-organizer.

In note-organzier/_config.yml file you can set the name, author and description of your notebook. Remember that after modyfing _config.yml you need to restart Jekyll server in order to see your changes.

Your notes should be written in HTML format. Put your notes inside note-organizer/_notes/ subdirectory. The name of the file doesn't matter, as long as it has html extension. You can also create custom subdirectories in _notes, HTML files in those subdirectories will be parsed as well.

Every HTML file should contain front matter with those variables set:

# Is this the main note of this subject?
# If subject with this name, type and semester 
# contains multiple notes, you should mark one of them as true and the rest as false
note_main: true  

# Subject name
note_subject_name: "English"  

# Subject type (for example Lectures or Labs)
note_subject_type: "Lectures"  

# Semester, that is covered by this note 
note_semester: 2  

# Note name - if subject with this name, type and 
# semester contains multiple notes, they all should have different names
note_name: "My english notes"

Optional name of lecurer, that
will be displayed both on the home page and on the note page.
note_lecturer: "John Smith"

If something is still unclear, inside note-organizer/_notes you will find some default notes to help you understand how note-organizer works. Once you have read them, you should delete them to make room for your own notes.


Screenshot 1:

screenshot 1

Screenshot 2:

screenshot 2

Technologies used

  • Jekyll
  • Bootstrap
  • MathJax
  • HighlightJS
  • Ekko-Lightbox