

Web site prototype tool with Jekyll, Foundation and SASS/Compass

#Foundation, Jekyll, Compass

A starting point for website prototyping.

To use this as a starting point you need to have installed Jekyll and Foundation plus any dependencies (eg, Compass). You may have some issues with versions,

gem install jekyll
gem install compass
gem install foundation

If you see errors because you've got the wrong version of SASS installed:

gem uninstall sass
gem install sass

If you want to use the nice codeblock for posting code snippets:

gem install pygments.rb

For more information, see this blog post.


jekyll serve -w

##Components and Methodology overview

Use SASS, Compass and Foundation to build out a rough prototype. Iterate to revise the layout, user journey, and design. Use the default HTML/CSS provided by Foundation as a quick start, then as you refine the design replace with your own markup and SASS using the SMACSS methodology to ensure flexible and maintainable front-end code.

The following Javascript libraries and tools are included to assist in prototyping interactive elements. Foundation also includes the Fastclick polyfill to remove the click delay from mobile browsers.

I added a Jekyll plugin that will recompile SASS (using Compass), and some other useful Jekyll plugins.

I've also added the Entypo gyphicon font for creating icons:

jekyll logo

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