A guerilla wiki for hackers based on plaintext files (markdown, textile, taskpaper) transformed into static html by jekyll. The default theme is inspired by sublime text editor.
branch gh-pages
(github pages)http://dataduke.github.com/jekyll-wikibox
(to be done)$ sudo gem install jekyll
$ git clone git://github.com/dataduke/jekyll-wikibox.git
$ cd ~/github/jekyll-wiki
$ jekyll --server
./_config.yml # configuration
./_themes/themename # themes; move all files/folders contained in a theme to root folder (and override)
The files ./index.html
and ./box000/index.html
define the index pages. There (ex: ./box004/index.html
), the choosen layout (in YAML frontmatter, ex: index-posts-1
) and a parameter list for the choosen layout (as content, ex: box004
) have to be defined:
layout: index-posts-1
title: Box 4
navigation: true
navtitle: Box 4
navpos: 5
box004 showday
Inside the choosen layout file (ex: ./_layouts/index-posts-1.html
) the parameter list is refereed to by the liquid template variable content
in line 3 and 5:
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture b %}{{ post.box }}{% endcapture %}
{% if content contains b %}
<!-- do something with every post with YAML frontmatter of "box: box004" -->
{% if content contains "showday" %}
<!-- do something with dates, like display day -->
Day : {{ post.date | date:"%A" }
{% endif}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Folding Text README
Paint Bucket README
Sublime Text README
./README.md # contains general information
./CHANGELOG.md # contains version history
./BACKLOG.md # contains initial feature backlog (backup/reminder)
./JEKYLL-WIKIBOX.taskpaper # contains planned features and current backlog
|-- .info # can be ignored; used for project information only
|-- .temp # can be ignored; used at development for backup of important files
|-- _includes # used for building index pages
| |-- main-index-sidebar.md
| |-- main-index-box-N.md
| |-- box-N-index-sidebar.md
| |-- box-N-index.md
|-- _layouts
| |-- default.html
| |-- post.html
|-- _themes
|-- _site # not checked in; created by jekyll as deployment directory
|-- _plugins
| |-- additional-feature-X
|-- assets # for layout dependencies only
| |-- css
| |-- style.css
| |-- img
| |-- js
| |-- favicon.ico
|-- box000 # box001-005; more boxes can be added/renamed/deleted
| |-- _posts
| | |-- 2013-01-01-hello-world.markdown # .md or .textile or .taskpaper
| | |-- 2013-01-01-hello-world # folder for post attachments
| | |-- attachment-1.jpg
| | |-- attachment-2.pdf
| |-- atom.xml
| |-- index.html
|-- _config.yml
|-- index.html
|-- atom.xml
Best Practices and Conventions:
Markdown Editing: Build a basic theme.css
by styling a simple markdown text file (with the help of Marked.app this is superfast). Typically this stylesheet includes the styling of body fonts, headings (h1-h4), links, lists, sourcecode, blockquotes, definitions, tables, columns, dividers (hr) etc. This file can be used for general text editing, post previewing, printing etc. (Your basic theme.css should/could be print and mobile friendly.)
Desktop Browsing: Now create a theme-ext.css
(or theme-web.css
). This file will extend your basic theme.css
to style navigation and external media elements. It should include the styling for header, navigation (bars, breadcrumb), footer, index (page body content), embedded media, etc. and maybe overwrite theme.css
with a different background etc. For desktop browsing load both created stylesheets: theme.css
, which renders your post texts, and theme-ext.css
for nice navigation.
Mobile Browsing: If your basic theme.css
doesn't satisfy the mobile browsing experience. Build a separate, custom and minimal theme-mobile.css
without any dependencies on theme.css
or theme-extensions.css
Throw everything away and just use bootstrap
! Just kidding.
To all jekyll builders.