

Talkyard blog comments demo, for Jekyll

Start the Docker Ruby container like so:

# no, then port 4000 won't work, why? Oh I need to add -p... sth?
sudo docker-compose run --rm ruby bash

# Yes:

sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker-compose exec ruby bash

root@500819b22597:/opt/volume/jekyll-site# history 1 cd /opt/volume/ 2 bundle exec jekyll 3.3.0 new 3 cat Gemfile 4 bundle install 5 bundle exec jekyll 3.3.0 new 6 bundle exec jekyll 3.6.2 new 7 cat Gemfile 8 gem install jekyll bundler

Test: 9 jekyll new jekyll-site 10 cd jekyll-site/ 11 ls 12 bundle exec jekyll serve --host --port 4000 13 history

jekyll serve --host --port 4002

Maybe use?: https://github.com/daattali/beautiful-jekyll/tree/master/_includes http://blackrockdigital.github.io/startbootstrap-clean-blog-jekyll/2017/10/29/prophecy.html https://github.com/camporez/Thinny


https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll ?