

A Gem to convert quiver notes and notebooks to jekyll markdown.


A Gem to convert quiver notes and notebooks to jekyll markdown.

Inspired by https://github.com/bradley-curran/quiver2jekyll/blob/master/quiver2jekyll

  • Supports quiver notes
  • Supports quiver notebooks (collections of notes) and takes notebooks name as a category in jekylls frontmatter
  • Optional paramters for input and output folders and selectors (marking notes)


  1. Clone repository
  2. cd in cloned repository
  3. Run gem install ./quiver2Jekyll_plus-0.x.y.gem
  4. Now quiver2Jekyll_plus should be available in terminal

if you want to modify the code, just rebuild the gem with provided gemspec

gem build quiver2Jekyll_plus.gemspec
gem install ./quiver2Jekyll_plus-0.x.y0.gem

Quick start

After installation quiver2Jekyll_plus should now be available on your CLI


quiver2Jekyll_plus quiver-input-folder jekyll-output-folder selector 

For example:

quiver2Jekyll_plus '.' './../_posts' '*' 

Selects all quiver-notes in same folder that are beginning with * in its title and creating jekyll-posts in folder ./../_posts

All parameters are optional.

  • quiver-input-folder defaults to '.'
  • jekyll-output-folder defaults to '.'
  • selector defaults to ''



Devpix: Ingo Klemm, info@devpix.de