gem install jekyll bundler
in your terminal_config.yml
to personalize your siteYou have to update informations on _config.yml
to customize your site:
title: Write a title for your web site here
github_username: add your username here
You may leave the following three settings as they are if you're unsure what to edit.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://localhost:3000" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
Fill the following profile section with your details
(Leave blank if you do not have one.)
You can even change the port, but it isn't recommended at the beginning
You can (and should) edit the .html
files for adding your own information, icons, working experience, social links or whatever you want to add by editing the content of the markdown files in the cloned directory. I.e.:
To edit the header/ footer, navigate to the _includes directory and edit the header.html / footer.html according to your choice.
In order to compile the assets open the terminal in the cloned directory and follow those steps:
jekyll build
jekyll serve
and hit enter!Note :
- If you receive errors while following steps 1 or 2, run
bundle install
or if, this doesn't work, re-install the ruby dev kit and jekyll.- If you changed the port in the config_yml file, the address in step 3 above would have to changed accordingly.