

templates for jekyll webpages for home pages, course pages, seminar pages, conference pages

Templates for Jekyll

The goal of this project is to provide reusable templates for producing jekyll webpages for the following purposes:

  • home pages
  • course pages
  • seminar pages
  • conference pages

The fundamental design idea is to have a sane approach for which files should be modified when the page is first established. So far, we are requiring modification of:

_config.yml : for the basic page properties
_includes/image.html : for the title picture

and for the site-specific data, a file like one of the ones below:

_data/lectures.yml : for the lecture metadata
_data/talks.yml : for the talks at a conference/seminar


to do (and where things are at)

  1. so far, I've just started a version of the course template. the other templates are still to be done.
  2. what is the best way of generating the page itself? should there be a basic script to generate a new directory?
  3. documentation within the directory structure needs to be placed to inform the user which files (as listed above) need to be modified to complete the page.