

Example Jekyll site using the jekyll-contentful gem

Example Jekyll site using

This is a minimal example of a jekyll site using the jekyll-contentful gem to pull content from at build time.

The example also demos the i18n features of the gem.

Running the example


  1. Create a account and a space (if you don't have one already)
  2. Add a the "de-DE" locale to the space (Settings -> Locales)
  3. Create a content type "Article".
  4. Add a short text field with the ID "title" to the content type. Make sure to check "This field represents the Entry title" and "enable localization of this field" on the field's settings page.
  5. Add a long text field with the ID "body". Check the checkbox "enable localization of this field" on the field's settings page.
  6. Create at least one entry (better more, and preferably translate them as well)

On your machine

  1. Clone the repo and cd into the folder
  2. Change _config.yml to include your Contentful API keys, Space ID, Content Type ID
  3. Run bundle install to install the dependencies
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve -w to build and serve the site
  5. Visit to view the site you just built.