

A static site site generator powered by Jekyll


A static site powered by Jekyll.

Getting started

You will need Node.js (min v6.10.x), Ruby, and Bundler.

Once these have been installed run:

bundle install && npm run start

The local site will now be available at http://localhost:4000/.

Writing code

npm run start

The process will start the server and watch for changes, recompiling as necessary. If you add new assets such as fonts or images you will need to manually copy them to the _site output by running:

npm run copy

The site uses standard Jekyll conventions for templates (markdown) and wrappers (HTML).

CSS is created using SASS but compiled via the node-sass module as this is quicker than using the usual Ruby implementation.

The Javascript can be found in ./views/_includes/_global/document_foot.html. There is so little on this site that it's more efficient to add it this way than to wrap it in a transpile/bundle process.

HTML Compression

The HTML is compressed by default using the compress.html layout. If you would like to disable this then remove the YML front-matter from the default.html layout.

Bundling for deployment

npm run deploy

You'll find a deployable bundle in the _site directory.