
a Jekyll starter-template for designers.

How to get started:

  1. Open your terminal.app in your designated directory and paste this code: git clone [email protected]:drocarmo/wheat.git

  2. Run rake

  3. Open your browser in localhost:4000

  4. Begin customizing your new Jekyll site!

A few pointers if you're brand new to Jekyll:

— First, you have to install Jekyll.

— Read through the Jekyll documentation here.

— Go through my friend Greg's setup guide.

— Familarize yourself with the Jekyll structure by looking at some other excellent, more advanced Jekyll examples: Robb's Jekyll repository, Greg's Jekyll repository and Mig's Jekyll repository.

Any other questions? I'd be happy to help, just [shoot me a note.](mailto:pe@drocarmo.com?subject=Hey Pedro&body=I need some help with Wheat..)

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