

Get up and running with EBI-themed Jekyll fast (rolled with gh-pages in mind, clone/fork suggested)


Get up and running with EBI-themed Jekyll fast (rolled with gh-pages in mind, clone/fork suggested)

View the demo

How to use this

This Jekyll template was designed in mind with GitHub pages, you'll certainly be able to use it to start a traditional Jekyll project, but the information below is specifically tailored with GitHub in mind.

  1. Getting started
  • Clone this repo
  • Ensure you are working in the gh-pages branch
  1. Basic setup
  • Edit _config.yml and set your GitHub URL and project name
  1. Add content
  • Create new posts in _posts
  • Create new pages by adding them to the root folder, see sample_page_1.html

Configuring your domain name

Full documentation is available here.

  1. Configure the gh-pages branch
  • Create a CNAME file
  • Add yourdomainname.com to that file
  1. Configrue your domain name's DNS
  • Add a CNAME for www to point to yourusername.github.io
  • If you want to point the root domainname.com to gh-pages, set the A record to
  • You can also set a second A recored to
  • When you're done it should look like:
Record Type Value
@ A
@ A
WWW CNAME your_github_username.github.io

Local development with Docker

Running docker-compose up will bring up a Jekyll site locally. It's fairly representative of the GitHub/GitLab pages build.

NB. You'll need to comment out the jekyll-redirect-from plugin in config.yml. The redirect functionality demonstrated in /_posts/2017-02-21-redirects.md will no longer be supported.

Deploying to GitLab / GitLab Pages

A couple of minor tweaks are needed to make this run on GitLab.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Rename this branch from gh-pages to pages.
  3. Update the config.yml to set domains/baseurl/repo etc.
  4. Add the Gitlab remote as the new origin and push

The CI process on GitLab should kick off, and deploy to GitLab pages.