


Objects {{ }} -> just to output variables tags {% %} -> to write logic into the partials filters {{ "hi" | capitalize }} -> pipes the object into a function

Folder Structure:

  • _layout: render {{ content }} and must be specified in the page front matter
  • _site: where the site static assets get generated and dump into
  • _includes: we put partials that get repeated into different layouts or other places {% include navigation.html %} navigation.html is in the includes files
  • _data: use to store data in the file system that you can use to iterate over
  • _sass: Sass comes bundles up with jekyll and the sass file will live in the top folder
  • _posts are also first class citizens from the beginning. I think they are a baked in collection! post entries have the following form: date-title.html. and page.title get parsed from it automagically