

(Deprecated) my old GitHub Pages/Jekyll site. See ejmastnak.com instead.


:warning: My website now lives at github.com/ejmastnak/ejmastnak.com

This repository is now archived and will no longer be updated.

What happened: around December 2022 I switched from...

  1. Jekyll to Hugo for static site generation
  2. GitHub Pages to Netlify for hosting
  3. ejmastnak.github.io to ejmastnak.com for a domain name.

...and created a new GitHub repo for the Hugo version of my website.


  1. Hugo has orders of magnitude faster build time and fewer dependency headaches than Jekyll.
  2. Netlify made it easier then GitHub pages to set up SSL certificates for both ejmastnak.com and the www.ejmastnak.com subdomain, and generally "just works".
  3. I own the domain ejmastnak.com, while GitHub owns ejmastnak.github.io. Having my own domain gives me more flexibility with where I host, allows emails to @ejmastnak.com, and also looks more professional.