Website of Electronics Club, IIT Bombay

How to contribute

Create a fork from the source on github and then clone your local repo. Clone your fork and add a tracking branch which can always have the last version of

git clone
git remote add ec
git fetch ec
git branch ec-master --track ec/master
git checkout ec-master
git pull

Create a branch from the last dev version of the tracking branch above. Let's call this branch new_blog.

git branch new_blog
git checkout new_blog

Add and commit and push your changes at your default remote which is usually called origin.

git add ...
git commit ...
git push origin new_blog

Make sure your branch is udpated with the latest changes in ec/master. Online repositories prefer if you will rebase your branch to the updated changes, i.e. no extra commit of Merge branch 'master'.

git checkout ec-master
git pull
git checkout new_blog
git rebase ec-master

If you see any conflicts you can resolve them using a standard and easy way. Open the file(s) and look for these pointers >>>>. They will show both changes which are conflicting. Remove what is unnecessary and commit and push your changes.

git commit -am "Resolved conflict"
git push origin new_blog

After you have finished pushing all your changes you are ready to make a pull request from github. You just need to press the green button from your github repo and write a title and a small description of what you are sharing with us.

After the pull request has arrived, the developers will review it and give you comments, and eventually merge it.

How to write a blog post

Blog posts live in the _posts folder. They have specific filename format:


<title> should be lowercase of the words of your title seperated by a '-' ( hyphen ).

<ext> should be the file-format extension. You can write the blog post in HTML ('html' extension) or Markdown ('md' extension). Markdown is a simple and intuitive markup language (preferrable over HTML). Here's a good tutorial for it. If you do use HTML, keep it to simple tags like <h1>, <p>, <img> and such.

For eg.

Content of the file should include this Front Matter on top:

layout: post
comments: true

assets_dir: /assets/first-post
title: First Post
excerpt: Small description for main page
author: Your Name
category: [Electronics, Robotics]
tags: [Raspberry Pi, Arduino]


Change the title, excerpt, author, category and tags field appropriately. They will be used to generate title and description of your blog on the homepage, and will add it to corresponding category and tag-wise pages.

There is no need to add title or date in the content, they will be added automatically.

If you want to add images and/or other files, put them in a folder named /assets/<title>, eg. something like /assets/first-post. Make sure to add this folder name to assets_dir field like shown in the example. Then when linking to the images/files write the link in this format {{page.assets_dir}}/image.jpg}}. A markdown example would be:

[This is a pdf]({{page.assets_dir}}/file.pdf)
![This is an image]({{page.assets_dir}}/image.jpg)

So just fork, add a post and send a PR, or just push it directly here if you have access!


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