

Event-driven template rendering inspired by Jekyll


Wormwood is an event-driven template rendering utility inspired by Jekyll. It's great for rendering markdown, e.g., a README file, as you edit.

Wormwood will:

  1. watch for changes to a template directory ( ./ by default)
  2. render the changed files (via Tilt) into a layout
  3. write the rendered, laid-out content to an output directory ( ./ by default).


$ gem install wormwood


  1. Create a file Tilt knows how to render, e.g., foo.md
  2. Run wormwood
  3. Edit foo.md and observe the creation of foo.html

Note: Wormwood will generate a file called <layout name>.erb in your source directory if a file named "layout" doesn't already exist. Feel free to hack it.


Wormwood defines a few configuration options:

--source The directory containing the template and layout files. Defaults to "./"

--destination The directory to write rendered files to. Defaults to "./"

--layout The layout file name (without extension). Defaults to "layout".

--variable The name of the variable used to insert rendered content into the layout. Defaults to "content".


  1. Develop
  2. Build gem rake build
  3. Install gem rake install
  4. Run tests rake test


  • 0.0.7 generates default layout
  • 0.0.6 adds layout support


Copyright 2013 Erik Eldridge

Licensed under the MIT License

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