

Gulpfile to use with Jekyll, adds browser-sync and publishing (via rsync)


  • Jekyll (and any plugins/gems required for your particular site)
  • rsync
  • node
  • npm
  • gulp (optional, installed globally makes life easier though)


In your Jekyll's website directory, softlink package.json and hardlink gulpfile.js.

ln /path/to/jekyll-gulp/gulpfile.js /path/to/jekyll/directory/
ln -s /path/to/jekyll-gulp/package.json /path/to/jekyll/directory/

To install, run the npm install command from inside the Jekyll directory

npm install

Now copy jekyll-gulp-config.json to /path/to/jekyll/directory/jekyll-gulp-config.json, and edit destination-folder so that it reflects the destination to publish to. This must be a remote server you have ssh access to, and a key authentication setup for (e.g. user@website:/website/folder/).

If you are using an SCM (e.g. git), add gulpfile.js, package.json, node_modules/ to your ignore list to avoid committing copies of this project.


The default task is watch. Below is a description of the different tasks available.


Invoked with gulp build. Launches an incremental build of Jenkins to the default _site directory.


Invoked with gulp build-drafts. Same as build, but with drafts enabled.


Invoked with gulp watch. Launches BrowserSync. Watches for changes in the _posts, _sass, css, _layouts, and _includes. Upon detection of a change, rebuilds the site and updates notifies browserSync.


Invoked with gulp watch-drafts. Same as watch, but also monitors _drafts and builds with drafts enabled.


Invoked with gulp clean. Cleans the current Jekyll build.


Invoked with gulp publish. Cleans then builds the Jekyll site. Pushes the site to the destination set in jekyll-gulp-config.json with rsync.

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