

A Jekyll theme for documentation



A Jekyll theme for documentation that uses a solarized light colour palette and scrollNav.js to automatically generate a table of contents.


First-time use

  1. Create a new repository, write some beautiful markdown/ReStructuredText/etc, put it all in docs (or whichever branch you keep your documentation in). For this example, we will use as our demo repo.

  2. Add this repository as a remote and pull its contents:

    $ git remote add arctor
    $ git fetch arctor
  3. Merge your documentation and the theme's contents into your gh-pages branch:

    $ git checkout gh-pages
    $ git merge docs
    $ git merge arctor/theme -m "merge theme content"
  4. Push your gh-pages branch:

    $ git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages

You should now have human-readable plain-text generating beautiful pages at your GitHub Pages site.

Keeping up-to-date

If you make changes in your master branch, to update your site, merge the changes into your gh-pages branch and re-push:

$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge docs
$ git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages

If changes are made to the arctor theme, and you want to pull them in, fetch those changes, merge them, and re-push:

$ git fetch arctor
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge arctor/theme -m "merge theme content"
$ git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages

Advanced usage

I personally don't care about keeping history in the gh-pages branch, since all the interesting history is in my docs branch. So I run this (warning: do this only if you know each command does!):

$ git checkout --detach docs
$ git merge --no-ff arctor/theme -m "merge theme content"
$ git push -f origin HEAD:refs/heads/gh-pages
$ git checkout -

Design notes

Sections are generated from h1 and h2 elements while subsections are generated from h3 elements. Any Jekyll post that matches the 'default' layout will have the appropriate styles applied to it.