

Cobalt is a simple, minimalistic Jekyll theme.


Cobalt is a simple, minimalistic Jekyll theme.

Theme preview


Download this Github repository.


Refers to files within the _layouts directory, that define the markup for your theme.

  • default.html — The base layout that lays the foundation for subsequent layouts. The derived layouts inject their contents into this file at the line that says {{ content }} and are linked to this file via FrontMatter declaration layout: default.
  • home.html — The layout for your landing-page / home-page / index-page. [More Info.]
  • page.html — The layout for your documents that contain FrontMatter, but are not posts.
  • post.html — The layout for your posts.


Refers to snippets of code within the _includes directory that can be inserted in multiple layouts (and another include-file as well) within the same theme-gem.

  • footer.html — Defines the site's footer section.
  • google-analytics.html — Inserts Google Analytics module.
  • head.html — Code-block that defines the <head></head> in default layout.
  • header.html — Defines the site's main header section.
  • nav.html — Defines the post layouts top bar.


Refers to various asset files within the assets directory. Contains the main.css, the theme's main stylesheet called by _layouts/default.html via _includes/head.html.

This directory can include sub-directories to manage assets of similar type, and will be copied over as is, to the final transformed site directory.


Cobalt comes with jekyll-seo-tag plugin preinstalled to make sure your website gets the most useful meta tags. See usage to know how to set it up.

Home Layout

home.html is a flexible HTML layout for the site's landing-page / home-page / index-page.

Enabling Google Analytics

To enable Google Analytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:

  google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N

FrontMatter in Posts

Posts should have the following variables in their FrontMatter:

  • layout — defines the layout of the page, and should be defined as post
  • read_time — the amount of time the post should take to read, in minutes.
  • author — the author of the post.
  • date — the date the post was written and published.
  • title — the title of the post.

Optional FrontMatter variables that can be used in posts:

  • private — define as true if you'd like the post or page to not be shown in the post feed in the homepage. Note that private pages will still be accessible if the user knows the URL.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Cobalt was developed by Gabriel Romualdo.

Cobalt is built on top of the default Minima theme, which was built by Parker Moore and the minima contributors.

The SVG icons used in the Cobalt theme can all be found on iconmonstr.

Cobalt uses Skeleton.css, a responsive CSS boilerplate.

Cobalt also uses normalize.css, a modern alternative to CSS resets.