

barrancas is a simple document generator that uses Markdown and Jinja2 to format and generate HTML documents or static web sites. It's inspired in Jekyll and written in Python.


By Juan Gabito (@gabitoju)

barrancas is a simple document generator that uses Markdown and Jinja2 to format and generate HTML documents or static web sites. It's inspired in Jekyll and written in Python.


barrancas has the following dependencies:


Directory structure

barracas uses the following directory structure:

.                        // directory that contains the md files
|-- templates           // directory that contains the html templates files
    |-- general.html   // basic templates


barrancas use Jinja2 templates to generate html files. This templates are located in the templates directory and you must have at least the general.html template.

The following variables are available to use inside the templates:

  • ${title}: the article or page title
  • ${content}: thiw varible would be replaced with the content that it's generated from the md files. It also can be used inside the general template to include other templates.
  • ${menu}: this variable can be replaced with the content of a special template that contains the site or documentation menu. The name of this template must be menu.html.
  • ${quick_menu}: It allows to have a small menu to link to document or page items (like an article section). The template file for this option is quick_menu.html.

This is a simple general.html template example:


The following examples uses an aditional template article.html (the file name does not matter):

<!-- general.html -->
        <title>My Site</title>

<!-- article.html -->

The ${content} in general.html will bi replaces with the content of article.html and the md file will be included in the article template.


barrancas read .md files and generates a .html file. For example, the will be generated as post1.html.

You can write the md file using Markdown, html or a combination of both.

Also, you can use the following yaml properties:

  • title: the article or document title.
  • template: the name of the template that will be used to generate this document. For example, if the template is article.html the property value will be article.
  • order: the order of the document in the menu.

This is an md example:

title: "Example Article"    
template: article
order: 1
# My first article

*This* is an article showing the usage of barrancas.

Generating the files

To generate the files you have to run in the directory that contains the md files. You can run with no arguments or with the --generate option.