

Jekyll-based SSG for Living Atlases community website

Replaced by

Living Atlases community website

The community Living Atlases website using Jekyll and based on devAid theme from Xiaoying Riley.


  1. Install Jekyll,
  2. Clone this repo onto your computer,
  3. Comment baseUrl and URL on the _config file
# For local development, comment these lines and uncomment the two other lines.
url: "URL"     
baseurl: "BASEURL"   

# For production, comment these lines and uncomment the two lines above.



Living Atlases

To add an institution to the existing list, you need to enter the information below for the newly described data portal in _data\participants.yml file. We try to keep an ordered list using each institution name.

- institution: <institution_name>
  data-portal: <data_portal_url> (can be empty)
  gbif-page: <data_portal_gbif_page_url> (can be empty)
  country: <country>
  language: <language(s)>
  status: "In production", "In progress" or "In discussion"

The community in action

To add an image to the carousel, you need to enter the information below for the new image in _data\carousel.yml.

- id: <id> # position in the carousel.     
  active: < true or false >    
  image_name: <picture-name>     
  caption: <event, year - city, town <br /> Photo by photographer-name, photographer-institution>   

If you want to add an image at an already existing id of the carousel, you will need to modify the id for each picture after this specific one.

Only one photo can be active at the time. If you want to activate one, you will need to switch the current one from true to false.

Image nead to be at this minimum size: 840*560 px.


In the folder _data, you will find another folder named events where there are files for each events linked to the community.

To add an event, you create a file on the events folder with the following information:

term description
id id of the event. Needed for the accordion panel.
title title of the event seen at the top of the accordion.
type type of the event: portal, workshop or conference.
description description of the event without any limit of size. Need to add html anchors to have css style on it
date date of the event following this format: start_date (month day, year) - end_date (month day, year)
place place of the event followin this format: town, country - event place (museum name, university name, etc.)
valide status of the event: false if the the event is in the past and true if not.
presentation true if the event got materials, false otherwise. When valid is at true, presentation should be at true.
materials information about each material linked to the event (more information below).

Information related to each material (talk, poster, video, etc.)

term description
id id of the material. Each material will be sorted by id
speaker list of speakers/writers seperated by < br/>. In case of a presentation, put in bold for the main speaker
title title of the presentation/poster/video
link link to the presentation / poster
ext true if it is an external link (e.g. and false otherwise

In the specific case of event type Portal, for speaker, you will enter developers name(s).