

Jekyll’s step-by-step tutorial. The goal of this tutorial is to take you from having some front end web development experience to building your first Jekyll site from scratch — not relying on the default gem-based theme.

Jekylls Tutorial

Step by step tutorial

Jekylls tutorial. From the official page. Right now, I'm finding alternatives to create my personal page.

Jekyll is a static site generator. You give it text written in your favorite markup language and it uses layouts to create a static website. You can tweak how you want the site URLs to look like, what data gets displayed on the site, and more.



Jekyll on Ubuntu

Install the required dependencies:

sudo apt install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

Set up a gem installation directory for your user account, so add environment variables to your ~/.bashrc file to configure the gem installation path.

$ echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Finally, install Jekyll:

gem install jekyll bundler

Project setup

jekyll new your-project-name

Finally, in your project directory, build the site and make it available on a local server.

bundle exec jekyll serve

After that, your project is running on

jekyll logo

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