

🚧 πŸ–ŠοΈ πŸ“– πŸ’Ž πŸ†•: Write on Jekyll and be a part of the future with the network with as little downtime as possible.

Crosspost to Network Generator for Jekyll

This plugin makes it possible to automatically syndicate your posts to the network from your Jekyll projects.

This is a fork of Aaron Gustafson's jekyll-crosspost-to-medium project, updated with support for the latest version of Jekyll and configured to work with the Frost API.


  1. Sign up for a Frost API account (if you don’t already have one). Log in.
  2. Go to your tokens page and look for "Get API Key". Generate one. Save it to your Environment Variables as FROST_TOKEN.


This plugin can be installed:

By directly copying jekyll-crosspost-to-poet.rb (found in the lib directory) into your _plugins directory.


Add crosspost_to_poet: true to the front matter of any post you would like to crosspost to the network.


This plugin takes a number of configuration options, some of which are needed for it to operate. The following options are available:

  enabled: true | false
  cache: .jekyll-crosspost_to_poet
  backdate: true | false
  text: 'YourNameHere'
  author: 'YourNameHere'
  • enabled

    Default: true

    Controls crossposting globally. Setting this to false will skip the processing loop entirely which can be useful for local preview builds.

  • cache

    Default: [source directory]/.jekyll-crosspost_to_poet

    The name of the directory where crossposted files will be logged. Make sure this file gets checked into your Git repo if you work from multiple computers. This will ensure you never crosspost an entry more than once.

  • text

    Default: <p><i>This article was originally posted <a href="{{ url }}" rel="canonical">on my own site</a>.</i></p>

    Optionally, provide a string to override the default text for the canonical link back to the source post. A {{ url }} placeholder should be provided to indicate where to put the canonical link, e.g., Some <a href="{{ url }}">link</a>

  • backdate

    Default: true

    Whether or not to use the original date & time of publication when crossposting.

  • author

    Default: public

    The status your post is given when it is syndicated to

A Note on Environment Variables

If you are having problems setting up Environment Variables, check out these guides:


Solomon Victorino

Thanks to Aaron Gustafson, who wrote most of the original code for the Medium crossposter.

Also, many thanks to the team for building the easy-to-use Frost API in the first place.

Aaron Gustafson

Many thanks to Jeremy Keith for sharing his process (and PHP code) for getting this working on his own site.

This project is not affiliated with Aaron Gustafson or any contributors to the original project.